The Baloch American Congress (BAC) on Wednesday expressed serious concerns that agents of Pakistan’s infamous Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)— the Pakistani CIA— had penetrated deep into the security detail of First Lady Dr. Jill Biden and called for a multi-agency probe into the security breach.
“Pakistan’s I.S.I. has for many decades made life unlivable for the people of Balochistan by unleashing state terrorism there. Thousands of Baloch patriots, who were forcibly disappeared, are still languishing in their gestapos,” said Dr. Tara Chand, president of BAC, in a press statement on Wednesday.
“At the same time, the I.S.I. is an avowed opponent of the U.S. and global values that America seeks to promote. They have embedded a large number of their moles in sensitive U.S. organizations such as the Department of State, Voice of America, and key think-tanks in the Washington D.C. area to hoodwink the U.S. public in general and the U.S. congressional leadership in particular,” the Baloch leader added.
Dr. Tara Chand said the biggest danger is that the I.S.I. shares each and every piece of crucial foreign intelligence it collects with its masters in Beijing, who are determined to push the U.S. out of the Gulf and the Middle East.
“A case in point is Moeed Yusuf, who for over one decade misled the U.S. policy-makers at the Capitol Hill on Pakistan-related issues. The fact that Yusuf was a fifth column of the I.S.I. became evident when he was inducted as the national security adviser of former premier Imran Khan. In fact, Yusuf was a sidekick of former Pakistan I.S.I. chief Gen Faiz Hameed. Tragically, whistle-blower complaints against Yusuf were completely ignored.”
He said scholars in the Washington D.C. think-tanks know quite well who exactly are Pakistan’s assets in their midst. “My concern is why has there never been a full congressional enquiry into the security breaches caused by the I.S.I. Why does the security establishment here always looks the other way when it comes to I.S.I. attempts to corrupt the U.S. political system?”
He said in the latest case, a Pakistani national self-confessed I.S.I. agent Haider Sher Ali is said to have corrupted dozens of officers of the U.S. Secret Service.
“What is most disconcerting is this is not the first case of this nature. There have been a number of such cases since 911 when Pakistan’s I.S.I. managed to breach U.S. security.”
Dr. Tara Chand, who is a former Balochistan government minister, called upon for the formation of a multi-agency probe committee to specifically focus on Pakistan I.S.I.’s shenanigans in Washington D.C.